California Education Crumbling

The state’s bureaucracy is a monopoly governed by an alien ideology


California’s legislators, state department of education, colleges of education, teacher unions, and school boards have built a seemingly impenetrable bureaucratic machine to govern the public school system.

It resembles an unaccountable monopoly, with poor academic results and being governed by a self-regarding ideology that promotes the cutting edge of leading radical gender and anti-racism theories.

The principal aim of this report is to lay bare California’s impenetrable, self-perpetuating ideological system of education. California has had a low-performing public school system since the 1990s, ranking in the middle to bottom third of states in reading math, and other academic subjects.

The California education establishment is animated by the progressive notion that public education requires the displacement of parental authority in the rearing of children. California’s strategic plan for education imagines the public school as the principal educator of children and the state as the main influence in shaping students’ minds.

Expressions of parental concern for their own children, as articulated at local school boards, have little weight in the eyes of California’s education establishment.

This grim report by Anna K. Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor should be read by every person concerned with America’s education of its young people. Anna and Scott offer this sobering synopsis at The Federalist.