Social Justice Education in America

David Randall’s Book Zeroes-in on the Noxious Character of Fake Academia

One of the most important books of the past decade that you probably never heard of is David Randall’s Social Justice Education in America. It is a brilliant takedown of so-called “social justice” on campus – it exposes the schools and the programs infested with this grotesque facsimile of academia. And it is brilliant if only for its relentless stream of confirming data couched in a compelling narrative.

Randall offers reforms that, although difficult to execute, would surely rescue higher education from the ideological louts and fake faculty who have gained far too much influence.

It’s available at the site of the National Association of Scholars, and I offer it in PDF format below. Do visit the website of the NAS for a wealth of resources on the degradation of our universities and what we can do to reverse the decline.