Yes, they’re coming for your kids

Critical Racialist Professor Melissa Harris-Perry makes that clear

By Stanley K. Ridgley, PhD

In this chaotic world of propaganda oversupply — when we must sift through mountains of dross to find buried nuggets of truth — it is always a pleasant surprise to discover a Lefist propagandist, who drops the conciliatory mask and gives us a listen to their actual intentions.

Such it is with Critical Racialist Melissa Harris-Perry.

Critical Racialists are a slippery lot. I chronicle much of their deceit in BRUTAL MINDS. We know they dissemble as a matter of practice, and examples abound — sufficient examples, in fact, to inform my next book that is well underway. Professor Melissa Harris-Perry is one such visible propagandist, who offers us nuggets of truth concerning what the Left really wants for our society.

Melissa Harris-Perry is a heckuva propagandist, who also happens to be what philsopher Eric Hoffer dubbed the True Believer, manifested in rapid speech patterns, a bombastic loquacious certitude, lack of healthy self-skepticism, and white-knuckled grip on a handful of core myths offered as truth.

As well, some have noted the the tic of eyes a bit too wide open (“crazy eyes”).

Harris-Perry is a journeywoman academic, beginning her career at the University of Chicago, moving to Princeton in 2006, thence to Tulane in 2011, and then to Wake Forest University serves as a Presidential Chair Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest University (as of this writing). But most of her notoriety comes from her stint as a racialist pundit on MSNBC from 2012 until 2016, where her wide-eyed pontificating presence was familiar to the denizens of that network.

She is an out-of-the closet totalitarian, who has big plans for you if she’s ever crowbarred into a position of actual policy-making. Her policy proposals in education, for instance, echo the most extreme proposals of the Bolshevik revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. Like Lenin, she wants to break down the concept of the family so that she and others like her have access to your kids for the benefit of the collective.

She’s clear on this. But let her speak for herself.

For more on how to neutralize these types of persons on the college campuses, see BRUTAL MINDS.