Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”

Lots of References to Alinsky’s 12 Rules, but what are they?

As a public service, I provide here Saul Alinsky’s infamous Rules for Radicals, which have informed “progressives” for more than half a century. Social Justice goons actually reference these rules when justifying their “activism” that is intended to subvert their college campuses.

This nouveau version of activism is perpetrated by so-called “tempered radicals,” a neologism confected in 1995 and used freely since then in the literature of the left. It has spawned books that serve as manuals on how to undermine an employer, working on the sly according to a hidden agenda.

Alinsky’s Rules are an important guide to the behavior of these organizational saboteurs.

Here they are:

The best thing about Alinsky’s “Rules” is that anybody can use them — for good as well as for social justice mischief. In BRUTAL MINDS, we learn how to turn the radicals’ tactics back on them to achieve big wins in the academic space.