The “Day of Resistance Toolkit” — Expressing Support for Hamas Bloodlust

Within a Week of the October 7 Pogrom, Pro-Hamas Surrogates Acted

The Hamas surprise assault on Israel October 7 2023, saw more than 3,000 terrorists infiltrate the country — for hours, the terrorists mutilated, murdered, and raped Israelis, killing more than 1,200 and kidnapping another 250.

Here was the premier exemplar of 21st century barbarism in all its bloodlust and primitivity.

And support for the barbarous massacre made its way to America’s college campuses, funded lavishly by off-campus entities. The terrorist support group National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSFP) went into action almost immediately.

NSFP quickly published and distributed a how-to kit for malleable-minded students susceptible to the “social justice” mantra. The instruction kit provided students the narrative to adopt, the barebones fake history to expound, and even provided templates for posters. If you ever wondered at the dullard sameness of the masked louts wielding their bullhorns, this is one reason.

This is how the Left operates on college campuses and manipulates college students into activities and legal trouble they otherwise might eschew. Unfortunately, in many cases, sources in the university (faculty and staff) actively support the disruption we saw this past Spring, which began with so-called “encampments” in mid-April.

Enjoy this peek into Leftist mobilization tactics.

More Leftist tactics are revealed in BRUTAL MINDS, essential reading for any college student or parent of a college student, who would know how to meet the noxious ideological challenge and roll it back.