Desperate to Save the DEI Grift and keep the Bucks Flowing

Shaun Harper is the West Coast Ibram Kendi . . . and just as bad

by Stanley K. Ridgley, PhD

Dr. Shaun Harper is one of the most influential of well-heeled DEI hacks in the country.

DEI, of course, is the racialist project of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” whose actual meaning has become clear in spite of its adherents’ best efforts to hide the actual agenda.

I’ve followed this character and his “research” articles since his long-time affiliation with the University of Pennsylvania’s horrendous School of Education and, now, with Southern Cal’s “Race and Equity Center,” which he founded in affiliation with the Rossier School of Education. He is described as a “race equity expert.”

His 2003 dissertation launched his career and was named “Dissertation of the Year” by NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, which is a non-profit guild that embraces critical racialism and the pseudo-scientific methodologies that support it — “storytelling,” “counternarratives,” share-my-diary “autoethnography,” “fables,” and the codified confirmation bias of “critical discourse analysis.” Harper’s articles are infused with his own critical racialism and brand of “storytelling.”

As with virtually all DEI hacks, he hung out his shingle as a “race equity expert” to get his share of private sector gravy from companies eager to prostrate themselves during the “national racial reckoning.” Companies like T-Mobile, Nike, and Citigroup paid top dollar.

Lucrative it surely is, in education as well — his center at USC charged Ohio University $235,000 for an “audit” of its campus-climate survey and diversity training programs. Harper’s website says his center has raked in more than $13 million through its “workplace climate assessments, pay equity analyses, and other expertly-developed DEI resources.” These are heady numbers only the top-tier racialists, like the Boston based and scandal-plagued Ibram Kendi, can demand.

But now, the cash is drying up as the racialist fraud of “DEI” is exposed, particularly its grotesque anti-Semitic side that was revealed this spring on campuses nationwide. This has DEI hustlers, including Harper, worried.

An Impressive Stable of Clients . . . $13 million worth

Harper vows that he’ll enlist more people to “do the work” to battle what he calls “radical extremists,” even as he continues his grift as a top-drawer DEI hustler and one of this country’s most influential critical race theorists.

See the admiring profile of Harper below. Here’s the link to the Chronicle of Higher Education. And here’s the link to BRUTAL MINDS, which exposes the DEI sham on the nation’s college campuses.