Strip Campus Ideologues of their Power

The Student’s Most Effective Defense Against Student Affairs Louts

Stanley K. Ridgley, PhD

A new college school year is almost upon us, and around the nation, the “social justice” thought reformers are preparing for another go at attacking the belief systems of incoming freshmen.

They do it explicitly and joyfully, with full confidence that their mid-wit embrace of Marxist “critical consciousness” and coercive thought reform techniques are fully justified.

These are the campus louts of “Student Affairs,” featured on every campus — overreaching student affairs foot-soldiers who pretend to be faculty and who attack the belief systems of unwitting first-year college students so install a more amenable belief system grounded in critical racialism and “social justice.”

They propound the “social justice” fraud in many ways, through many conduits. One of these is “orientation,” which features “games” designed to interrogate first-year students, find their weaknesses, attack their belief system(s), and change that belief system in accord with the primitive doctrines that dominate the modern university.

Gamification of the Brainwash

The louts of student affairs have embraced totally the notion of fake “games” to put students at ease — games like the “Fishbowl” and the risible “privilege walk.” These are crude psychological manipulation techniques practiced by non-qualified, non-credentialed staffers and res-life directors. The games and seminars are designed to convince you to drop your guard.

Confronted with a dozen grinning Student Affairs fools, serving free pizza with pulsing background music, what young first-year student wouldn’t succumb to the welcoming embrace of what cults call “love bombing.”

But these are not “games” in the competitive sense. They are “interrogation” games, to get the student to reveal personal information about parents, friends, history, political beliefs, and such like. Information that will be turned against the student in subsequent sessions.

Freshmen should look for marker phrases like “we want you to make yourself vulnerable” and we want you to feel comfortable with “self-disclosure.” The explicit point is to build a feeling of “trust” to set the stage for what is to come — the attack on the student’s belief system.

This tactic is made explicit in the brainwash manual called Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice, which advocates the 3-stage model of brainwashing used in Communist China — unfreezing the belief system, changing the belief system, and refreezing the new belief system.

Orientation is the entry point for their long process of thought reform toward a “social justice” consciousness. Recognize here that the saccharine trope of “social justice” is a proxy for a laundry list of noxious creeds, including socialism, critical racialism, DEI, critical theory, and outright thuggish Marxism and its various offshoots.

No Trust for Social Justice Louts

These student affairs employees can be useful to the student in scheduling courses, making dorm assignments, and in finding the dining hall. Don’t trust them beyond that. They are poseurs who believe themselves “boldly transforming higher education.” They have assigned themselves a larger mission, one more suitable to their overcultivated sense of importance.

This is the point at which the student can defeat the Student Affairs louts — right at the beginning.

Withhold your trust. Don’t reveal anything personal. You don’t have to.

Shut down their requests for “self-disclourse.” This renders them largely powerless.

My single piece of advice is not to trust these louts. I surely don’t, not at all.

Don’t give them your trust, and you render them impotent and frustrated. Share this advice with your friends. Form an alliance against these officious louts, present them with a blank wall.

I discuss the point on the national television talk show Huckabee.

Students can use many other tactics (parents, too) to undercut these non-faculty purveyors of noxious ideology on campus. A range of tactics appears in BRUTAL MINDS.