Exposing the Stooges and their Heroes

Christopher Rufo and Bruce Bawer Spotlight Campus Racialist Frauds

By Stanley K. Ridgley, PhD

I am often asked what books I recommend to best understand the events occurring on the college campuses that have occasioned the decline of our great Enlightenment universities. Two books that I cannot recommend enough are Christopher F. Rufo’s America’s Cultural Revolution (2023) and Bruce Bawer’s The Victims’ Revolution. (2012, 2022).

These two volumes, together, reveal a truth that the habitant-footsoldiers of the campus Left would prefer you not know.

Both books are accessible, spot-on, and blessedly absent the bureaucratese that affects many volumes on academia. Rufo and Bawer call out the louts, they name names, they provide the history, they describe the pathological ideologies that inspire and animate some of the strangest characters ever assembled in on place. Their tomes occupy honored places in my own library, a library that also contains 200+ volumes of repetitive Leftist tripe that constitute the pantheon of critical pedagogy, critical race theory, critical theory, and industrial-grade DEI dross.

I gladly confirm that they are spot-on with their assessments of extremist louts such as Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon, Derrick Bell, Herbert Marcuse and others less well-known yet powerful and influential purveyers of contrived outrage and fake “scholarship.” The virtue of both Rufo’s and Bawer’s works is that they allow the extremists to speak for themselves.

Rufo and Bawer limn the ideological structure of the radical campus project, which is really the beginning of our long-term task to dismantle and expunge the racialist superstition and pseudoscience from the administration of our universities and to ensure that these institutions are held accountable to a public that funds them either directly or indirectly (through grants).

Together, these volumes bring the disinfectant of sunlight to our ailing universities and perform an amazing public service.

We’ve come far and we’ve miles yet to go, and Rufo and Bawer illuminate the way.

Investigate BRUTAL MINDS . . . who are they and what do they want?