Rich Race Hustlers Stick Together

Millionaires Melissa Harris-Perry and bell hooks schmooze about oppression

By Stanley K. Ridgley, PhD

We can be grateful, I suppose, that the coterie of high-profile racialists in our public square is small. Just how small is demontrated when they appear on televsion and on YouTube recordings as they interview each other.

Here is a classic whine-fest conducted by Melissa Harris-Perry and the late author bell hooks, with both of them complaining about the Man. The irony of these two privileged millionaires with access to millions of viewers and listeners complaining about being silenced is an exercise in narcissistic absurdity. They are obsessed with race to an almost sociopathic degree.

Reduced to its essentials, Harris-Perry doesn’t like the terms of her employment as a TV performer, nor that she might lose her job if she doesn’t register enough viewers or — in plain English — shows herself to be unpopular. [H]ooks, for her part, gushes in support and rolls out her stale brand of object/subject rhetoric and actually gives a nod to “My beloved Paulo Freire.”

For the uninitiated, Freire, was the Maoist Brazilian educationist who cobbled together his own “critical pedagogy” from a hodge-podge of Marxist and Maoist nostrums. He is best-known for the phrase “critical consciousness,” which is today’s retooled Marxist bromide of “class consciousness.”

Interested? See his pedestrian 1970 work Pedagogy of the Oppressed. DEI gurus and assorted other “critical pedagogues” love this guy. He’s “beloved.”

For even more on louts like these, see BRUTAL MINDS.